JUMP TOWebhooksWebhooksVerifying requestsRetry policySupported eventsREST ApiAuthorizationEndpointsInfoApi informationgetAccountShow account details of the authenticated usergetShopsList all shopsgetConversationsList all conversationsgetCreate a conversationpostSend a messagepostList all contact conversationsgetRetrieve a conversationgetClose a conversationputReopen a conversationputAssign a conversationputUnassign a conversationputSnooze a conversationputReply to a conversationputAdd a note to a conversationputWebhooksList all webhooksgetRetrieve a webhookgetActivate a webhookputDeactive a webhookputUsersList all usersgetContactsList all contactsgetCreate or sync an existing contactpostRetrieve a contactgetDelete a contact and all related conversation historydeleteConversationDelete a conversationdeleteConversation ItemsRetrieve conversation itemsgetPowered by WebhooksWebhooks enable you to receive real-time notifications about activity in Belco. Information is sent as JSON via a HTTP POST to the URL you specify.